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Vowel Sounds 2 Bookmark and Share

Pronunciation - information and contents

In this exercise there are four sets of words with the vowels missing and listed separately. In each set, the vowels produce the same sound. The four sounds are /∂u/, /e∂/, /au/ and /i∂/. Fill in the correct spelling and place one of the phonetic symbols at the top of the column to show the pronunciation.



b_ _ _
b_ _ _
ch_ _ _
f_ _ _
f_ _ _y
h_ _ _
h_ _ _
h_ _ _y
t_ _ _
th_ _ _
v_ _y
w_ _ _d



f_ _ _
h_ _ _
h_ _ _
f_ _ _
mountain_ _ _
p_ _ _
st_ _ _
t_ _ _




ab_ _t
all_ _
cl_ _d
cr_ _d
dr_ _n
s_ _nd
t_ _el







cr_ _
gr_ _
l_ _er
l_ _n
r_ _d
sl_ _





© Marc Loewenthal,, 2000-2010