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Word Focus - The Good Page Bookmark and Share

Word Focus - Information and Contents

This exercise practises different uses of the word good. Read through this text and fill each gap with one of the prepositions in the list.

about, to, with, of, on, at (2), for (2)

At school I was always told that physical exercise was good (1)________________

me, but I was never really good (2) _______________ sports. My teacher always

reminded me of this and called me good (3) ________________ nothing. However, I

then discovered boxing. I was so happy when I finally realised I was good (4)

________________ my hands (5) ________________ something.

My teacher stopped criticising me and actually began to praise me. "Good  (6)

________________ you!" he would say as I won another fight. I thought it was very

good (7) ________________ him to help me win the national championship. Now

I'm world champion and very rich. Boxing has been very good (8)

________________ me.  Even when I knocked out my last opponent he was very

good (9) ________________ it and told me not to worry.

© Marc Loewenthal,, 2000-2010