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Colours 1 Bookmark and Share

Wordgroups - Information and Contents

This exercise practises extended meanings of words denoting colours. Read through this text and fill each gap with one of the colours in the list.

blue (2), green (2), purple, red (2), white (3)

I went to a football game last week. It was very eventful. First of all the

weather was so bad that the match was almost called off, but it got better

and the referee gave it the (1) ________________ light half an hour before

the start. The match was very hard and there were many fouls on both sides.

One player on our side was badly fouled, saw (2) _______________, and

punched the other player. He was sent off. Then their team scored a goal and

that was it. Our team put up the (3) ________________ flag and were

(4) ________________-washed 5-0.Their team played so well they were

(5) ________________ hot. 

Our team's fans screamed and shouted till they were (6) ________________

in the face and (7) ________________ with rage. In the end the losers felt

(8) ________________, especially the one who scored an own goal. He was

(9) ________________-faced. When I see the talent in their team and

the lack of talent in ours I go (10) ________________ with envy.

© Marc Loewenthal,, 2000-2010