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Great news for all our users! We have turned all our free worksheets into online activities, so now you don't need to print them off and use a pen if you don't want to. You can find the ones in this section listed below. Check our Latest developments page for the full list! Don't miss out!

The worksheets in this section deal with groups of words whose meanings are linked to certain key words and ideas.

Click on the links below to look at the free sample sheets.

Extended Meanings - Animal Words

Extended meanings - animal words This practises extended meanings of words denoting animals.
Extended meanings - animal words gapfill This practises extended meanings of words denoting animals.

Body Words

Body words - people This exercise practises words denoting parts of the body when they are used in other ways.
Body words - people gapfill This exercise practises words denoting parts of the body when they are used in other ways.

Also available under subscription: Body verbs, Body words extended meanings


Clothes This practises extended meanings of words denoting clothes.
Clothes gapfill This practises extended meanings of words denoting clothes.


Colours 1 This practises extended meanings of words denoting colours.
Colours 1 gapfill This practises extended meanings of words denoting colours.


Gestures 1 This practises words denoting gestures.
Gestures 1 gapfill This practises words denoting gestures.

Negative verbs

Negative verbs This practises verbs with negative meanings.
Negative verbs gapfill This practises verbs with negative meanings.


Noises 1 This practises verbs for noises.
Noises 1 gapfill This practises verbs for noises.

Verb groups

Bring, get, take 1 Uses of these verbs
Bring, get, take 1 gapfill Uses of these verbs
Verbs meaning see discern, glimpse, make out, notice, observe
Verbs meaning see gapfill discern, glimpse, make out, notice, observe
Verbs meaning walk 1 creep, limp, ramble, stride
Verbs meaning walk 1 gapfill creep, limp, ramble, stride
Verbs meaning look/watch 1 examine, glance, inspect, view
Verbs meaning look/watch 1 gapfill examine, glance, inspect, view
Verbs meaning hit 1 beat, chop, clout, punch, rap
Verbs meaning hit 1 gapfill beat, chop, clout, punch, rap
Verbs meaning change alter, adjust, modify, transform
Verbs meaning change gapfill alter, adjust, modify, transform
Verbs referring to the future anticipate, forecast, predict
Verbs referring to the future gapfill anticipate, forecast, predict
Verbs meaning talk/speak chat, discuss, negotiate, preach
Verbs meaning talk/speak gapfill chat, discuss, negotiate, preach
Verbs meaning say/tell 1 address, declare, narrate, stammer
Verbs meaning say/tell 1 gapfill address, declare, narrate, stammer
Verbs meaning cook bake, boil, fry, simmer, toast
Verbs meaning cook gapfill bake, boil, fry, simmer, toast
Verbs meaning know/believe/understand 1 assume, comprehend, grasp, guess
Verbs meaning know/believe/understand 1 gapfill assume, comprehend, grasp, guess
Verbs meaning start/continue/finish 1 assume, comprehend, grasp, guess
Verbs meaning start/continue/finish 1 gapfill assume, comprehend, grasp, guess
Verbs meaning allow/forbid authorise, bar, permit, veto
Verbs meaning allow/forbid gapfill authorise, bar, permit, veto
Verbs meaning agree/disagree 1 concur, deny, fall out, quarrel
Verbs meaning agree/disagree 1 gapfill concur, deny, fall out, quarrel
Verbs meaning ask/answer 1 beg, demand, reply, request
Verbs meaning ask/answer 1 gapfill beg, demand, reply, request


Answers Answers to all the exercises