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Word Groups - Verbs Meaning Say/Tell 1 Bookmark and Share

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This exercise practises verbs meaning say or tell. Choose the best word to put in each gap. Make sure that you put it in the correct form.

address, comment, declare, exclaim, inform, mumble, narrate, quote, recount, stammer, state, utter 

1. We found an old man lying in the road. We asked him who he was, but he could only ____________________ something which we couldn't hear, so we called the police. 

2. Andrew fell in love with Janet from the moment he saw her, but he never had the courage to talk to her about how he felt, so he decided to write her a letter and ____________________ his love to her.

3. The president went on television to ____________________ categorically that he had no intention of raising taxes during his term of office.

4. I'm sorry. I'm afraid that I can't ____________________ on the judge's decision until I have read the full transcript. 

5. Many people think that Julius Caesar said "et tu, Brute" before he died, but in fact he did not ____________________ these words at all.

6. When you meet the queen, you have to ____________________ her as "your majesty".

7. Martin lives Shakespeare that he has read all his plays and can ____________________ any line from any of his plays. 

8. We are writing to ____________________ you that we have decided to offer you the job of office manager. 

9. "Why the hell did you have to do that?" he ____________________ in the middle of the restaurant. Everyone looked round at him in total surprise.

10. I was so nervous during the interview that I kept ____________________ when I tried to answer the questions. It was terrible. I couldn't say anything straight. 

11. When Sally had rested she ____________________ to her family what had happened to her the night before and why she hadn't come home.

12. When the children were sitting quietly, the teacher opened the book and began to ____________________ the story to them.

© Marc Loewenthal,, 2000-2010