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Verbs meaning Walk 1 gapfill Bookmark and Share

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This exercise practises verbs meaning walk. Put one of these verbs in each space. Remember to use the correct form of the verb depending on its use in the sentence. Pay attention to spelling.

amble, creep, dawdle, limp, shuffle, plod, ramble, roam, step, stride, tramp, tread

1. It's lovely to get out of the city for a while and just (1) through the countryside on a lovely day like this.

2. There was the loud sound of heavy footsteps outside the classroom in the corridor. Suddenly the door flew open and the new teacher (2) in.

3. I think we'd better take the dog to the vet to have his leg checked. He's been (3) a lot lately.

4. It was a lovely day and Penny wasn't in a hurry, so she decided to (4) through the park to work instead of catching the bus.

5. I had a really horrible journey to work today. It was really hot in the train and it was so packed that I couldn't even move. Then someone (5) on my foot.

6. It had been a very long walk, and Alan felt tired but happy as he (6) up the road to his house.

7. The old man got up and (7) slowly across the room and out into the garden.

8. Stephen came home so late that he took his shoes off and (8) quietly up the stairs so as not to wake up his wife.

9. Be careful when you cross the road. Don't (9) off the pavement until you're sure that there are no cars coming.

10. Nomads never settle down in one place for a long time, or build permanent homes. They spend their lives (10) around the land looking for places to camp.

11. When I go on holiday I like to stay in one place, preferably in a hotel by the sea. I can't understand why people spend so much time (11) around streets all day sightseeing.

12. It's time for you to go to school. Don't (12) on the way or you'll be late and the teacher will be angry.