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Great news for all our users! We have turned all our free worksheets into online activities, so now you don't need to print them off and use a pen if you don't want to. You can find the ones in this section listed below. Check our Latest developments page for the full list! Don't miss out!

The worksheets in this section deal with certain areas of vocabulary in which words are associated together in categories for various reasons.

Information for teachers

This section deals with a large number of different areas of vocabulary. Each area of vocabulary shares a particular theme. The four themes in this section are given below. The first section Affixation focuses on the differences in use and meaning between words derived from the same root but with different suffixes. The second section, Back to front prepositions, deals with compound words and phrases formed with a preposition, in which the preposition may precede or follow a noun or a verb, eg: take over - overtake. In every case each compound has a different meaning. The main problem for students is understanding the meaning of the compounds. There are a sizeable number of these formations and more will be added. The Bodywords section deals with compounds or phrases formed with one or two parts of the body as the elements in the phrases. The sample section has compound words, but each exercise in this section deals with phrases with two body words. The section, Similar words, deals with groups of words which have similar meanings or pronunciation and which are often confused by students, eg: enough, rather, quite, or words which are based on the same roots and which are often confused even though they may have different meanings, eg: sensitive, sensible, sentient. More will be added in time.

More sections will be added to the password protected section based on other themes, such as Prefixes, Suffixes, New formations, Noun hierarchies and Pronoun phrases.

Click on the links below to look at the free sample sheets.


Affixation 1 admit, consult, deliver, enter, refer, succeed
Affixation 1 gapfill admit, consult, deliver, enter, refer, succeed
Affixation 2 alternate, destination, object, serial, variable
Affixation 2 gapfill alternate, destination, object, serial, variable
Affixation notes Information on affixation
Suffixes 1 affection/affectation, cosmetic/cosmic
Suffixes 1 gapfill affection/affectation, cosmetic/cosmic

Back to front prepositions

Back to front prepositions 1 off, up, over, on
Back to front prepositions 1 gapfill off, up, over, on
Back to front prepositions 2 down, off, out, in, back
Back to front prepositions 2 gapfill down, off, out, in, back

Body words

Body doubles 1 eye to eye, hand to hand, toe to toe
Body doubles 1 gapfill eye to eye, hand to hand, toe to toe

Similar words

Similar Words 1 journey, travel,  trip, voyage, bother, care, disturb, mind, molest
Similar Words 1 gapfill journey, travel,  trip, voyage, bother, care, disturb, mind, molest
Similar Words 2 expect, hope, wait, variable, variation, variance, variety, experience, experiment
Similar Words 2 gapfill expect, hope, wait, variable, variation, variance, variety, experience, experiment
Similar words 3 enough, quite, rather
Similar words 3 gapfill enough, quite, rather
Similar words 4 at the end, finally, firstly, etc
Similar words 4 gapfill at the end, finally, firstly, etc
Similar words 5 sense, sensible, sensitive, etc
Similar words 5 gapfill sense, sensible, sensitive, etc
Similar words 6 bear, maintain, stand, support
Similar words 6 gapfill bear, maintain, stand, support
Similar words 7 affect, affection, effect, effective
Similar words 7 gapfill affect, affection, effect, effective


Answers Answers to all the exercises in this section