Function or place 1 gapfill
at college, at the college; at home, at the home |
Indefinite article 1 gapfill
Inclusion or exclusion of the definite article |
Quantifiers 1 gapfill
any, few, fewer, less, little, lot |
Second conditional - real past gapfill
Conditionals that actually happened
The things we don't say 1 gapfill
Typical student mistakes
Count and non-count 1 gapfill
experience, light, pain, paper, reason
Count and non-count 2 gapfill
dress, egg, interest lamb, work |
Count and non-count 3 gapfill
business, competition, difficulty, heart, life
Middle verbs 1 gapfill |
change, drive, feel, increase, return |
Middle verbs 2 gapfill | break, close, develop, end, give |
Middle verbs 3 gapfill
continue, create, move, open, part
Noun or verb 1 gapfill
These practise the difference between the uses of
certain common words as nouns or verbs. |
Animal verbs 1 gapfill
Words for animals used as verbs
People verbs 1 gapfill
Words for people used as verbs
Verbs to people 1 gapfill
Verbs used to denote people
Noun and verb stress variations 1 gapfill
Forming words through stress change
Noun and verb pronunciation variations 1 gapfill
Forming nouns through pronunciation changes
Unpredictable verbs 1 gapfill
Verbs with unpredictable meanings formed from nouns
Unpredictable verbs 2 gapfill
Verbs with unpredictable meanings
Unpredictable verbs 3 gapfill
Verbs with unpredictable meanings
Slang verbs 1 gapfill
Verbs with slang meanings
Verb-Noun 1 gapfill
These practise the formation of new nouns from phrasal
verbs. |
Stative and dynamic verbs 1 gapfill
Verbs referring to the five senses
Verbs and prepositions 1 gapfill
The verbs speak and swear
Double passives 1 gapfill
Verbs which have two passive forms
Possessive phrases 1 gapfill
Whole noun phrases with 's
Latin root: cap/ceive/cept gapfill |
eg: accept, capture, deceive
Latin root: duce/duct gapfill |
eg: reduce, conduct, induction
Latin root: fer gapfill |
eg: suffer, interfere, defer
Latin root: quir/ques/quis 1 gapfills
1 |
eg: conquest, require, requisition
Latin root: pone/pos gapfill |
eg: exposure, proposal, impose
Latin/German 1 gapfill
Latin/German 2 gapfill
Latin/German 3 gapfill
These focus on differences in register between synonyms depending on their origins. |
Latin root: scribe/scrip gapfill |
eg: describe, inscription, scribble |
Latin root: spec/spic gapfill |
eg: aspect, inspection, perspective |
Affixation 1 gapfill |
admit, consult, deliver, enter, refer, succeed |
Affixation 2 gapfill |
alternate, destination, object, serial, variable
Suffixes 1 gapfill |
affection/affectation, cosmetic/cosmic
Back to front prepositions 1 gapfill
off, up, over, on
Back to front prepositions 2 gapfill
down, off, out, in, back |
Body doubles 1 gapfill
eye to eye, hand to hand, toe to toe |
Similar Words 1 gapfill |
journey, travel, trip, voyage, bother, care, disturb, mind, molest
Similar Words 2 gapfill |
expect, hope, wait, variable, variation, variance, variety, experience, experiment
Similar words 3 gapfill
enough, quite, rather
Similar words 4 gapfill
at the end, finally, firstly, etc
Similar words 5 gapfill
sense, sensible, sensitive, etc
Similar words 6 gapfill
bear, maintain, stand, support
Similar words 7 gapfill
affect, affection, effect, effective
Body Words - Eye gapfill
Extended meanings of the
word eye. |
Body Words - Hand gapfill |
Extended meanings of the word hand. |
The Good Page gapfill |
Uses of the word good with prepositions. |
Act gapfill
act, action, active, actual, enact, etc
Get + object gapfill
Verb substitutes for get
Get - Change of state 1 gapfill
get doing, get done
Get - Change of state 2 gapfill
get doing, get done
Get - Change of state 3 gapfill
get big, get bigger
Get - Change of state 4 gapfill
get big, get bigger
Get - Produce a result 1 gapfill
get (someone) to do something
Make and do 1 gapfill |
Uses of the verbs make and do |
Nerve gapfill
nerve, nerveless, nervous, unnerved
Time - determiners gapfill
sometimes, sometime, every time
Time - words and expressions 1 gapfill
time's up, time's tight, overtime
Hot words gapfill
Compound words with hot
Extended meanings - animal words gapfill |
practises extended meanings of words denoting animals. |
Body words - people gapfill |
This exercise practises words
denoting parts of the body when they are used in other ways.
Clothes gapfill |
This practises extended meanings of words denoting
clothes. |
Colours 1 gapfill |
This practises extended meanings of words denoting colours. |
Gestures 1 gapfill |
This practises words denoting gestures. |
Negative verbs gapfill |
This practises verbs with negative meanings. |
Noises 1 gapfill |
This practises verbs for noises. |
Bring, get, take 1 gapfill |
Uses of these verbs |
Verbs meaning see gapfill |
discern, glimpse, make out, notice, observe
Verbs meaning walk 1 gapfill |
creep, limp, ramble, stride |
Verbs meaning look/watch 1 gapfill |
examine, glance, inspect, view |
Verbs meaning hit 1 gapfill |
beat, chop, clout, punch, rap |
Verbs meaning change gapfill |
alter, adjust, modify, transform |
Verbs referring to the future gapfill |
anticipate, forecast, predict |
meaning talk/speak gapfill |
chat, discuss, negotiate, preach |
meaning say/tell 1 gapfill |
address, declare, narrate, stammer |
meaning cook gapfill |
bake, boil, fry, simmer, toast |
Verbs meaning know/believe/understand 1 gapfill |
assume, comprehend, grasp, guess |
Verbs meaning start/continue/finish 1 gapfill |
assume, comprehend, grasp, guess |
Verbs meaning allow/forbid gapfill |
authorise, bar, permit, veto |
Verbs meaning agree/disagree 1 gapfill |
concur, deny, fall out, quarrel |
Verbs meaning ask/answer 1 gapfill |
beg, demand, reply, request |